To mail a care package to deployed service members, or service members assigned overseas, you will need the recipient’s name and Army Post Office (APO) address. APO addresses are used for both Army and Air Force mail, as they are associated with Army and Air Force installations. APO address information should be obtained from the service member prior to deployment, as he or she will get this information from his or her Chain of Command (unit leadership) in advance. Alternatively, APO address information may be obtained by contacting the Rear Detachment of the unit the service member is deployed with. The Rear Detachment is responsible for providing support to the Soldiers or Airmen who are deployed (or forward), and is also responsible for supporting families of the deployed service members. Contact information for Pennsylvania Army and Air National Guard units may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs’ telephone directory located here. If you are a family member of a deployed service member, you could also speak with your local Family Readiness Group (FRG) representative(s) of your service member’s unit, who may also be able to provide an APO address.
Packages should not be addressed to an entire unit, only one individual. Packages intended for an entire unit can be addressed to the unit Commander, or other unit leadership, with a note included inside the package.
You should not include the country or base in the mailing address. Examples of a correct and incorrect APO mailing address are below:
Correct Method
SGT John Doe
PSC 4321, Box 54321
APO AE 09345-4321
Incorrect Method
SGT John Doe
317 Provisional Squadron
Boondocks Air Base
APO AE 09345-4321
Additional resources for sending care packages include your local United Service Organization (USO) or the Pennsylvania National Guard Service Member Family Support (SMFS) Office.
For more information on sending mail to deployed service members, consider visiting the following websites:
Department of the Army Postal Program FAQ
Military Mail: FAQ - USPS
Addressing Mail Correctly for Deployed Service Members
Mailing a Military Care Package Yourself [Step By Step Guide]