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NEWS | Dec. 18, 2020

Holiday season can be a stressful time

By Brad Rhen

For many, the holiday season is a joyous time of year.

For others, including those with mental health disorders such as depression, the holiday season can be a stressful time.

There are the stressors that come with the holidays themselves like buying gifts and getting together with family, seasonal depression that is brought about by shorter days, and work stressors like end-of-year duties and deadlines.

“For many people, the period of time between November and January is not always the most wonderful time of the year,” said Lori Murphy, the Pennsylvania Army National Guard’s director of psychological health. “For those already diagnosed with mental illness such as depression or anxiety, the additional holiday stressors can leave them feeling as though they cannot meet stressful demands, cope with family issues or mange financial or work expectations, leaving them with increased feelings of sadness, unworthiness, hopelessness or guilt.”

Jolene Richardson, director of psychological health for the Pennsylvania Air National Guard's 193rd Special Operations Wing, agreed that the holiday season can be a stressful time. Anyone – not just people with mental health issues or depression – can struggle during the holidays, she said.

“The holidays can be a difficult time due to feeling pressure to meet family, societal and self expectations and can trigger grief and loss issues,” she said. “Grief and loss can be caused by many things to include missing deceased loved ones, longing for a partner to celebrate with, or family dynamics that are challenging.”

This year’s holidays look to be even more stressful, with the COVID-19 pandemic still raging, a slumping economy that has caused many people to lose jobs, and the recently concluded presidential election season, Murphy said.

“In my opinion, the social isolation and large amount of loss due to the pandemic will make this holiday season more difficult than others,” she said. “Many people have lost loved ones this year and will miss their presence during the holidays, but others have lost their jobs, businesses or work hours, weddings were postponed, school milestone events such as proms and graduations were cancelled, not to mention the loss of a normal routine that we all want to get back to.”

Richardson also believes this year’s holiday season will be more difficult than others. Due to COVID-19, this might be the first time many people don’t celebrate the holiday with their families, even if they live in the same town, she said.

“Some may be spending the holidays alone,” she said. “Many people will be missing traditions such as attending in-person religious services and holiday parties. This year we need to be more creative with celebrating the holidays, adapting established traditions or creating new ones. It’s important to still seek ways to connect with others as well as your spirituality during this time even if it can’t be in person.”

There are several things people can do to cope with mental health stress, whether it’s during the holidays or any other time, Murphy said. Among her suggestions are: use technology to connect with loved ones, get outside and just relax.

Richardson suggested practicing self-care such as exercise, meditation, yoga, calling a friend, or taking a bath.

“Do something you enjoy even if it’s just for a small amount of time each day,” she said. “Consider what your boundaries are regarding how to stay safe during COVID-19 and how to manage your time. This might mean declining a family member’s invitation, not shopping at a crowded store, or asking a friend to wear a mask if you get together.”

Any service member who feels depressed and may be considering suicide is urged to call the Suicide Crisis Call Line at 1-800-273-8255. The line provides urgent needs and direction to help in every area of the state.

A text option is also available via the Crisis Text Line, offering free 24/7 support by texting “PA” to 741741 to text with a trained crisis counselor there to support people in crisis.

Additional information can also be found at

Coping with Holiday Stress
Lori Murphy, the Pennsylvania Army National Guard’s director of psychological health, said the most important coping skill is to learn to recognize your holiday triggers, such as financial pressures, physical distancing or personal demands, so you can solve them before they lead to further problems. With a plan and some positive thinking, you can find your Holiday peace and joy. Here are some Holiday coping ideas:

Financial – Decide beforehand how much money you can afford to spend, and then stick to your budget. Or, you can try an alternative such as donating to a charity in someone’s name, make homemade gifts or start a gift exchange where you draw a single name, rather than getting gifts for the whole group..

Still Celebrate – Make the day festive, it actually might lift your mood. Even if you’re alone or with just a small group, dress up for the holiday. Set a beautiful table and treat yourself to a delicious meal. Don’t be afraid to make a family favorite, or maybe prepare a smaller, but still traditional menu. Cooking a turkey breast or roasting a chicken is still delicious. Or, you may choose this year to support a local business by ordering take out.

Use Technology – Use video chat to bring family and friends together. Plan a virtual dinner or holiday party. Call/ text, FaceTime, Zoom with friends and relatives who might be alone. Plan a virtual Secret Santa/ Yankee Swap or White Elephant gift exchange. Binge watch your favorite holiday movies, and FaceTime with a friend so you can watch together. Attend a virtual religious service.

Get Crafty – Make plans for all of your leftovers. Use the holiday weekends to set up your holiday decorations and even make some home-crafted gifts. Make a dream/vision board and set goals and plans to achieve them – this is great way to instill hope. Hand write and send out holiday cards by mail – you can even include a list of things you are looking forward to in 2021.

Get Outside – Get out for a physically distanced walk or run or bike ride in nature. It’ll help you boost your vitamin D, release some endorphins, and work off some of that apple pie. Or go for that walk at night and check out the stars and holiday decorations. Volunteer, donate to a food pantry, or drop off a meal on the doorstep of a homebound neighbor.

Relax, too – Make some time for yourself. Find an activity you enjoy, such as listening to music, reading a book, or painting, and spend just 15 minutes alone, without distractions doing it. You may be shocked how well this reduces stress. Try one of these mobile apps: Breathe2Relax, Dream EZ, or Mindfulness Coach to help clear your mind, slow your breathing and restore inner peace.

Reach Out – Having a lot of support during difficult times when you may feel lonely or sad can be a helpful distraction. Many organizations now have websites, online support groups, or virtual events that can offer support and companionship. Despite your best efforts, Holiday stress may persist. Pennsylvania Army National Guard members can reach out to the Psychological Health Program staff.